I've seen a bit of discussion around the web of how to edit patches on the Yamaha FB-01 but not much about the large amount of patches that are already out there. There are many excellent patches that have been around for years (in many cases decades). In my opinion, you'd be hard pressed to come up with some better sounds than many of these.
To upload these to your FB-01 all you need is a simple MIDI SysEx program. For Mac OSX I recommend SysEx Librarian. It makes sending and receiving MIDI SysEx data extremely easy.
So without further ado, I give you all the FB-01 patches (that I am aware of).
DX21 Patches for FB01.zip - First off, this patch collection contains all the DX-21 patches converted for use with FB-01. Many of them are a good deal better than the factory standard patches for the FB-01. I also included a couple DX-100 patches (the few that aren't on the DX-21 and actually worth mentioning), including the original "WildWar" patch.
Tims FB01 Patches.zip - Next we have these really cool patches from Tim's Atari MIDI World. Some very polished and big sounding lead patches and some warbley almost Boards of Canada style analog sounds here.
FB01 Bobby Clark.zip - Next are these very cool patches that have been around for years. Originally created for the DX-21 by Bobby Clark, I have converted them to work with the FB-01. Again, a lot of great lead sounds and some really cool effects type patches.
FB01 Patch Archive.zip - And lastly this massive patch archive of well over 3000 individual patches. Naturally there's a good amount of mediocre material to sift through but there are some gems hidden away. It's broken into three different collections;
- fb01a_0 - this is the largest of them. A lot of heavy techno sounds, maybe an excessive amount actually. But the FB-01 is kind of lacking in that department so they can be useful. There a few more cool things on here, some absolutely killer Hammond B3 patches.
- 1-20 - a decent sized set, these are some more that I converted from DX-21 user patches.
- FB01 - the best of the bunch. I especially like the "ether" and "synvox" patches. I couldn't get the "plucked" and "strings" files to work though.
A note on how I converted the DX-21 patches; I've used an old AtariST program by Martin Tarenskeen that does the necessary formatting of the files as well as adjust the operator levels to roughly the correct scale for the FB-01.
very helpful, thanks!
You are a star!
thank you very much
Cool. Thank you very much!
I have an FB01 and SysEx librarian, but I can't seem to get the patches to load on the FB when I play the SysEx. Can you post a little more about how to transfer the patches? Thanks!
Make sure that SysEx Librarian is set to 'MIDI' and not 'Act As A Source For Other Programs'. On the FB-01 in System Setup turn 'Protect' to 'OFF'. You can read more about it in the FB-01 manual: http://soundprogramming.net/manuals/Yamaha_FB-01_Manual.pdf
Hi, All the links are dead, is it possible to repuload them ? Thx !
Hoi, thanks for all. As far as i know it is possible to convert Dx-21-27-100 and
tx81z to fb-01 on an atari. So perhaps in the future we will find some more patches for yamaha FB-01.
HI, this is Bobby Clark (author of some of those patches) and I am pleased people are still finding them useful. I would be curious as to how well they translated to the FB-01, especially one I called "Bass Drum" .. it's a kick drum patch which has ended up in virtually all my music.
This is Martin Tarenskeen, author of Atari programs like FB_CNVRT and YSEDITOR.
Nice to see my good old Atari tool FB_CNVRT is still useful for some people after all these years :-)
A little warning: convert from DX21/TX81Z to FB01 is way more difficult than from FB01 to DX21/TX81Z. That's why it will not always give the best possible results. Some post-editing of the patches can be rewarding!
Hi, thanks so much for making these available! Amazing! I am hoping to try and open these with Sounddiver on Mac OS9.2.- it has an FB01 editor Incidentally, does anyone know if TX81 patches can be loaded onto a SY77/TG77? I seem to recall that DX7 patches were compatible- maybe someone has tried this?
Cheers, Nick
@bobby clark
Hi bobby thanks for stopping by, I don't remember that particular patch, I don't have an FB-01 anymore unfortunately. :(
@Martin Tarenskeen
yeah, I think the converted patches on the FB-01 tended to be a bit louder and sometimes clip on the output. I assume this is because the parameters are on different scales on the FB-01 than the other 4-ops?
@Anon 11/9/12
I doubt TX81Z patches will work but it's worth a try I guess. TX81Z has a massively different architecture than the DX7.
Additionally, for who it may concern, since I made this post I have discovered this FB-01 editor for Mac OSX (intel only) called Vagform. Get it here: https://github.com/norrby/vagform/downloads
Please visit http://dxconvert.martintarenskeen.nl
This might be an answer to many of the questions I see here.
DXconvert/TXconvert is a toolkit written in Python. Using DXconvert you can (among other things) convert DX21/TX81Z/FB01/ patches to DX7 sysex. Using TXconvert you can convert FB01 patches to DX21/TX81Z sysex. DX/TXconvert can do much more: It can read 30+ different file formats, remove duplicate patches, sort patches by name, randomize patches ...
At this moment I am working on an update that allows TXconvert to convert TX81Z/DX21 patches to FB01 sysex.
Unlike my old FB_CNVRT Atari program DX/TXconvert is cross-platform. It has been tested on Windows and Linux using Python 2.7 and 3.2
Thank you <3
Thanks for the patches!!
Just picked up one of these machines and cant wait to try these oatches... Im a hw synth noob and managed to successfully dump onto the unit using Sysex Librarian on a Mac but I cant locate the patches there... Please help! I would be most appreciative! Sorry for my ignorance...
Hi - in case anyone's wondering along with Bobby Stix's comment, like I was at first (and couldn't make it out from the manual; I have the original and it's not always easy to understand!) - you can only receive the banks to 1 or 2, as they're the RAM banks. 3-7 don't change. Oh and Bank 3 has Bank 1 on anyway, so overwrite at will!
BTW - If you're on Windows, use MIDI OX - is good.
Hey all.I converted some DX Talkbox patches to FB-01 using TXConvert. If you could,test it out and see if they work,I have no speakers or headphones.These are the patches that people are selling,which is pretty messed up since they are free. http://www24.zippyshare.com/v/2rSvPuu4/file.html
Thank you very much for the patches, great! new life for my FB-01...
I used C6 from "elektron music machines" for the transfer.
Many thanks for these. Much appreciated.
Reupload of DX Talkbox FB-01 .syx banks.
Bank 1
Bank 2
Thank you so much!!!
Are these patches compatible with Volca FM or not?
No, I don't think they are compatible with Volca FM. I'm pretty sure Volca FM is DX-7 compatible though and there are lots of patches and editors out there for DX-7. This is a good place to start: http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/YamahaDX
Ok, thanks a lot mate :)
I've had these two FB01s for a long time... wanted to sell them but looking at what's out there now, I might have to work with them a bit. Yes, programming from the front panel is a biotch.
Thanks all !
thanks a lot. so probably no need for a patch editor for mac anymore.
The ZIP files seem to be corrupted. Can you fix or email them over. I can send you my sorted comprehensive DX7 syx collection in return. Jgilbert123 at gmail thanks very very much
Hi, I've never done anything with sysex before but i downloaded the librarian and some patches, set Protect to OFF, and I can't seem to get anything to happen! I'm using a cheap midi to usb adapter i got off ebay. Can anyone help please?
Hi, does anyone have an FB01 midi editor for MAC?
Patch base is a good editor
Thank you, Martin! You've made my DX/TX life a joy! I just applied to join the YamahaDX group at groups.io, so maybe I'll see you around :)
Thanks Sam!
Hi John
Thanks Mazes!
Thanks, top stuff just dug the FB01 out of the loft and fired it up again
thanks for all the great links to work with the fb01!
one question - is it possible to find this patches somewhere?:
Tim's Atari MIDI World
i'm so curious how they sound like.
all the best
i`ve been looking for patches for this synth for ages , thanks for the downloads
Hi !
Tim's atari website :
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